A Career in Welding

In recent decades welding has become a dominant process in the fabrication of industrial products and in the building of structures from steel. It is used in all phases of production and is needed not only nationally but also internationally in almost every industry ranging from micro-electronics to construction of petrochemical plants, power generation, buildings and transport. Due to the diversity of welding-related projects, there is excellent flexibility to switch industries without the need to change your career.

The fact that welding is in a strong growth trend accounts for the mounting interest in it as a career. Completing a trade course in welding can virtually assure you of gainful employment opportunities  for advancement during your career. Similarly, those who become welding inspectors, welding coordinators, non-destructive testing (NDT) technicians, professional welding engineers or designers can look forward to extremely rewarding career opportunities.

SAIW has been offering training courses in both welding and nondestructive testing technologies since the late 1970s. You can choose to be a practical welder in which case, you will join materials together using any of the various welding processes. As a welder you can progress your career by studying further to position yourself to be a welding supervisor/foreman by doing any one of our welding coordination courses. The welding coordination courses are not only for welders. People hoping for a career in leading welding teams and managing the day-to-day operations of a fabrication shop can enrol on these courses too, for example; welding engineer, welding technologist, welding specialist etc.

SAIW courses also present opportunities for you to work as a welding inspector in which case in your career you will be responsible for verifying that the welders are following their work instructions. Not only do you verify the welders but also the welding supervisors to ensure they are doing their work according to approved and implemented procedures. As a welding inspector you can also work in quality assurance where you compile the relevant information for records on how a product was manufactured.

The SAIW also offers Non-Destructive Testing courses (NDT) in six different testing methods. NDT personnel form part of the chain of various fields of expertise which are used to ensure the world is using high quality products which pose little risk to the end user. NDT personnel test materials or products for any imperfections without destroying the products or materials and is not only limited to testing of welds, but can be extended to various product sectors such as castings, forgings, tubes etc. and applied in most of the industrial sectors such as pre-and in-service testing, power generation, petrochemical etc. This is achieved by using various applied scientific principles and therefore a career in NDT will never stagnate. There will always be the  opportunity to diversify into other methods or alternatively you can specialise in one or more methods to an advanced level of competency.

SAIW courses are intended to meet best practice international standards and many are accredited by the International Institute of Welding (IIW) or International Committee for Non-Destructive Testing (ICNDT) Mutual Recognition Agreement (MRA).

SAIW inspection courses also fulfil the requirements of local certification programmes for inspection personnel (SAQCC IPE and CP) which are approved by the Department of Employment and Labour.

SAIW practical welding courses are accredited by IIW for the International Welder (IW) programme and welder apprenticeships by QCTO.

SAIW offers training courses at the Johannesburg headquarters in  Johannesburg, Durban and Cape Town. Many SAIW courses are suitable for presentation at in-company training facilities.


For more information contact our Training Administrator on 011 298 2111.