Course Information
The SAIW welding inspector training programmes are tailored to meet industry requirements for welding inspection personnel involved in the fabrication, petrochemical, refinery, process plant, power generation, construction and other industries.
The SAIW Welding and Fabrication Inspector Level 2 training programme is essential to complete the training and education requirements for most welding inspectors. It provides added knowledge of materials technology and the impact of welding on materials. Heat treatment requirements of the major codes of construction are covered as are destructive testing and non-destructive testing of welded joints. The course is essential for inspectors working in the fabrication, petrochemical, refinery, process plant, power generation, construction and other industries.
Inspectors with this qualification are prepared for approval for code compliance of welding procedures. With suitable experience the Inspector will also be prepared to take on inspection management responsibilities.
Students having successfully completed the SAIW Welding and Fabrication Inspector Level 2 Inspector course may qualify for the internationally recognised IIW IWI Standard level diploma, subject to the requirements:
- Both SAIW Level 1 and Level 2.
- At least twenty years of age.
- Have at least two years of relevant practical experience.
- Students who qualified as SAIW Welding and Fabrication Inspector Level 2 before 2010 have to complete an extra 2 day module and exam in construction and design. (Details on application).
- SAIW Welding and Fabrication Level 1 + Level 2 + Oral + 2 Years = IWIP-S