Initial Certification

Guidelines for application for initial certification

1. Scope

Regulation 11 of the Pressure Equipment Regulations (as contained in the Occupational Health and Safety Act, 1993 (Act 85 of 1993) was amended in 2009 to reflect the requirements for the statutory periodic internal and external inspections and hydraulic testing of pressure vessels and steam generators to be carried by a approved in-service inspection authority.

SANS 10227 (Latest edition) ‘Criteria for the operation of inspection authorities performing inspection in terms of the Pressure Equipment Regulations’ Section 12 Table 1 defines the functions and qualification/certification requirements for precommissioning and in service pressure equipment inspection by an AIA. The in-service inspection and testing function is designated as requiring an SAQCC qualified and certified Competent Person.

The South African Qualification and Certification Committee for Competent Persons and Inspectors of Pressurised Equipment (SAQCC-CP/IPE) have established the minimum requirements for technical knowledge together with the experience/training requirements for qualification and certification as a Competent Person (Steam Generators) and/or a Competent Person (Pressure Vessels). This procedure provides the applicant with guidelines and requirements for application for certification as a Competent Person.

2. Responsibilities

2.1   It is the responsibility of the applicant for certification to complete SAQCC-CP application forms.

A separate application is required for Competent Persons-Pressure Vessels and Competent Persons-Steam Generators.  It is the responsibility of the Administration Controller (Certification) to provide the applicant with the application form and to forward the completed application forms and related documents to the SAQCC-CP/IPE committee for assessment and to inform applicants of the assessment results.

2.2  It is the responsibility of the SAQCC-CP/IPE committee to assess applications for certification from Competent Persons-Pressure Vessels and Competent Persons-Steam Generators in accordance with this document.

3. Requirements for certification

To be certified as a Competent Person:

3.1   Each applicant is required to complete the attached application form and attach a certified copy of a Competent Person training and examination certificate, substantiating that the applicant has proven knowledge of the inspection and test of Pressure Vessels or Steam Generators. Such knowledge will also include the Pressure Equipment Regulations. It is mandatory for each applicant to have attended an approved training course and to have been successful in the final examination. The application form also requires that the applicant completes educational and qualification details as well as employment history. Table 1 shows the minimum training periods required for applicants related to their academic qualifications and employment background.

Each applicant must be physically able to perform all activities involved, and will provide:

3.2.1  proof of visual acuity tested within the last six months:

a.    such that the applicant is able to read J1 (or N5) sized letters of the standard Jaeger or equivalent test chart at 300 mm and J7 (orN10) at 1000 mm, with at least one corrected or uncorrected eye and

b.    of at least 6/6 on a Snellen Chart or orthorator.

3.2.2  have clinically assessed normal fields of vision. This proof of visual acuity and clinically assessed field of vision must be supplied on the standard vision test record from supplied with the application.


It has been agreed by the SAQCC-CP certification scheme committee that credit for practical experience will be granted for a Competent Person-Steam Generators also becoming certified as a Competent Person-Pressure Vessels and vice versa. This will be based on the first certification being in place and current. Only a further one year of practical experience would then be required for certification regardless of academic qualifications.


It has been agreed by the SAQCC-CP certification scheme committee that practical experience for Competent Persons Initial certification document CP Form F18 Rev 8 Pressure Vessels and Steam Generators can be obtained simultaneously.


With effect from April 2017, all applicants for initial CP certification who are starting their practical training in 2017 and later may only start accumulating the required inspection tasks after successful completion of CP-PV and/or CP-SG core week course and examination.

4. Examination requirements

SAQCC-CP approved training courses and examinations are conducted at approved centres. Details of these centres can be obtained from:

The SAIW Training Administrator
PO Box 527 Crown Mines 2025
Tel: (011) 298-2111 Fax: (011) 836-4132

The Competent Persons Pressure Vessel examinations for limited certification scope such as air receivers, medical autoclaves (non-steam generators), hydraulic accumulators, accumulators etc. will consist of:

Examination E1a:

A Foundation Week examination consisting of a two (2) hour Closed Book paper of fifty multiple choice questions on:

Basic knowledge of the characteristics and applications of the common arc welding processes, types of welding defects, visual inspection, introduction to NDT, welding procedures and welder qualifications and introduction to materials technology.


Applicants for CP-Pressure Vessels/Boilers who already hold an SAIW L1 Welding Inspectors Diploma or equivalent qualification such as International Welding Practitioner or International Welding Specialist or who have completed the SAIW Five Day Engineers Appreciation course are exempted from attending the Foundation Week training course and will have direct access to the Foundation Week examination.

Examination E1b: Pressure Vessels-Core week

A Core week examination consisting of a one (1) hour Closed Book paper of thirty five multiple choice questions on general knowledge of statutory inspection and testing of pressure vessels;


A Core week examination consisting of a one (1) hour Open Book paper of approximately twenty questions on regulations and codes relating to statutory inspection and testing of pressure vessels and steam generators such as the PER and SANS 10227.

The Competent Person-Pressure Vessel examinations for unlimited certification scope will consist of examinations E1a and E1b as well as the following:

Examination E1c: Process plant modules-Four (4) weeks

Week1:    API 510, ASME Section VIII/API 510 calculations, ASME Section IX, Drawing and design

The examinations consist of:
a) A one (1) hour Open Book paper on ASME VIII & ASME IX
b) A two (2) hour Closed Book paper on API 510 & Drawing
and design

Week 2:    API 574, API 570, B31.3 & API 576

The examinations consist of:

a) A one (1) hour Closed Book paper on API 576 & B31.3
b) A one (1) hour Closed Book paper on API 574
c) A one (1) hour Closed Book paper on API 570

Week 3:    Process diagrams & recommended repairs, API 571, API 572 &
API 580

a) A one hour (1) Closed Book paper on Process Diagrams & Recommended Repairs
b) A one hour (1) Closed Book paper on API 571
c) A one hour (1) Closed Book paper on API 571
d) A one hour (1) Closed Book paper on API 580

Week 4:    Advanced NDT, API 579, Tank Inspection a& Report Writing

a) A one hour (1) Closed Book paper on Advanced NDT
b) A one hour (1) Closed Book paper on API 579
c) A one hour (1) Closed Book paper on Tank Inspection & Report Writing

The Competent Person-Steam Generators examinations for certification will consist of examination E1a as well as the following:

Examination E2: Steam Generator core course (Two weeks)

This examination will take place at the end of the second week of the core course and will consist of:

a) A two (2) hour multiple choice Closed Book paper on general knowledge of statutory inspection and testing of steam generators


b) A two hour (2) Open Book paper on regulations and codes relevant to the statutory inspection and testing of steam generators

5. General

5.1    Application forms may be obtained from:

The Administration Controller (Certification)
SAIW Certification
52 Western Boulevard, Off Main Reef Rd
Tel: (011) 298-2100
Fax: (011) 836-4132

5.2     The applicant must return the application(s), together with the necessary certified supporting documentation, to the SAIW Certification Administration Controller (Certification).

5.3     Applicants may be requested to present themselves for an interview with the SAQCC-CP/IPE Committee and will be advised in writing should such an interview be required.

5.4     Applicants will be advised in writing whether their application has been successful or unsuccessful.

5.5     Unsuccessful applicants may appeal in writing to SAIW Certification on any adverse decision of the Committee concerting their application and may request further information as to the reasons for their unsuccessful application for certification.

5.6     Unless agreed with the applicant, information relating to an unsuccessful application will not be divulged by SAIW Certification to any third party.

6. Certification

6.1      Successful applicants will be required to sign a Code of Ethics. On receipt of a signed copy of this Code of Ethics, the SAIW Certification Administration Controller (Certification) will issue the CP certificate.

6.2      Certification is subject to periodic renewal and re-certification by SAIW Certification. Renewal will be required at three yearly intervals based on a documentation review and re-certification will be required after nine years and will be subject to a re-examination. The certified CP will be required to produce evidence of continuing professional development for each three yearly certification renewal. All CP certificates issued are recorded on the SAQCC-CP National Register on the SAIW website, with expiry dates. Applicants are advised that confirmation of certification and expiry dates can be made available to the general public on request.

7. Appendices to this procedure:

  • Application for certification as a Competent Person-Pressure Vessels, Competent Person-Steam Generators
  • Table 1: Minimum practical training periods based on academic and trade qualifications.


Do not submit the application without proof of attendance at an approved training course and of having passed the SAIW Certification Competent Persons final examinations.

NB: Please note that applications will not be processed 
unless proof of payment is received. Proof of payment needs to be attached to the application

Download Initial Certification Document       SAQCC – CP Check List  CPD and Work Experience Check List