NDT – Part 1
Modifications to the Company Written Practice as required by the 2019 edition of ASME BPVC
The following changes to the recommended practice ASNT SNT- TC-1A, have been mandated by the latest edition of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel code and should be considered when creating a company’s written practice. The wording in red shows changes that needs to be considered to ASNT SNT-TC-1A.
Please note that only sections or paragraphs requiring modifications have been included in this summary.
Recommended Practice No. SNT-TC-1 A Personnel Qualification and Certification in Nondestructive Testing
1. Scope
1.4 It is recognized that these guidelines may not be appropriate for certain employer’s circumstances and/ or applications. When developing a written practice as required in ASME Section V, the employer shall review and include the detailed recommendations presented in SNT-TC-1A–2016 and ASME Section V including this Mandatory Appendix. Modifications that reduce or eliminate basic provisions of the program such as training, experience, testing, and recertification shall not be allowed.
2. Definitions
2.1 Terms included in this document are defined as follows:
2.1.9 Grading Unit:
A Qualification Specimen can be divided into sections called grading units, which do not have to be equal length or be equally spaced. Grading units are unflawed or flawed and the percentage of flawed/unflawed grading units required shall be approved by the NDE Level III.
3. Nondestructive Testing Methods
3.1 Qualification and certification of NDE personnel in accordance with ASME Section V is applicable to each of the following methods:
- Acoustic Emission Testing
- Electromagnetic Testing
- Ground Penetrating Radar
- Guided Wave Testing
- Laser Testing Methods
- Leak Testing
- Liquid Penetrant Testing
- Magnetic Flux Leakage
- Magnetic Particle Testing
- Microwave Technology
- Neutron Radiography Testing
- Radiographic Testing
- Thermal/Infrared Testing
- Ultrasonic Testing
- Vibration Analysis
- Visual Testing
4. Levels of Qualification
4.1 There are three basic levels of The employer may subdivide these levels for situations where additional levels are deemed necessary for specific skills and responsibilities.
4.2 While in the process of being initially trained, qualified, and certified, an individual should be considered a trainee. A trainee shall work with a certified The trainee shall not independently conduct, interpret, evaluate, or report the results of any non-destructive examination.
4.3 The recommended technical knowledge and skill sets for the three basic levels of qualification are as follows:
4.3.1 NDE Level I.
An NDE Level I individual shall have sufficient technical knowledge and skills to be qualified to properly perform specific calibrations, specific NDE, and specific evaluations for acceptance or rejection determinations according to written instructions and to record results. The NDE Level I shall receive the necessary instruction and supervision from a certified NDE Level II or III individual.
4.3.2 NDE Level II.
An NDE Level II individual shall have sufficient technical knowledge and skills to be qualified to set up and calibrate equipment and to interpret and evaluate results with respect to applicable codes, standards, and specifications. The NDE Level II shall be thoroughly familiar with the scope and limitations of the methods for which qualified and shall exercise assigned responsibility for on-the- job training and guidance of trainees and NDE Level I personnel. The NDE Level II shall be able to organize and report the results of NDE activities.
4.3.3 NDE Level II
An NDE Level III individual shall have sufficient technical knowledge and skills to develop, qualify, and approve procedures, establish and approve techniques, interpret codes, standards, specifications, and procedures; and designate the NDE methods, techniques, and procedures to be used. The NDE Level III shall be responsible for the NDE operations for which qualified and assigned and shall be capable of interpreting and evaluating results in terms of existing codes, standards, and specifications. The NDE Level III shall have sufficient practical background in applicable materials, fabrication, and product technology to establish techniques and to assist in establishing acceptance criteria when none are otherwise available. The NDE Level Ill shall have general familiarity with other appropriate NDE methods, as demonstrated by an ASNT Level III Basic examination or other means. The NDE Level III, in the methods in which certified, shall have sufficient technical knowledge and skills to be capable of training and examining NDE Level I, II, and III personnel for certification in those methods.
5. Written Practice
5.1 The employer shall establish a written practice for the control and administration of NDE personnel training, examination, and
5.2 The employer’s written practice shall describe the responsibility of each level of certification for determining the acceptability of materials or components in accordance with ASME Section V, and the referencing Codes , Standards and documents.
5.3 The employer’s written practice shall describe the training, experience, and examination requirements for each level of certification by method and
5.4 The employer’s written practice shall identify NDE techniques within each method applicable to the written practice.
5.5 The employer’s written practice shall be reviewed and approved by the employer’s NDE Level
5.6 The employer’s written practice shall be maintained on file.