Important Notice for all Certified CPS and IPES

05 June 2012

Don’t Delay Renewing Your Certification

For many inspectors it is time for renewal of their certification by SAQCC IPE and CP. Inspectors wishing to renew their certification should submit their applications three months prior to the date of expiry which is stated on their current certificate. Applications for renewal made close to the expiry date may not be finalised before certification lapses. Applying early does not shorten the period of certification as renewed certification starts from the previous expiry date.

Remember the date of expiry is the last date on which your certification is valid. Any inspection and test reports which are issued after the expiry date are illegal and may result in disciplinary action as the issue of a report without valid certification would be a breach of your code of ethics.

Contact at SAIW Certifcation on 011 298 2100.