Course Information

Course Content

Basic metallurgy; heat treatment definitions; welding processes; welding effects on materials – why is heat treatment necessary?; heat treatment cycles, heating and cooling rates, soaking temperatures,  soaking times; code and material specification requirements for welding; pre-heat, post-weld heat treatment, normalising, annealing, hydrogen removal; methods of heat treatment; equipment –machines, heaters, recorders, cables, thermocouples, thermocouple welders, insulation materials; thermocouple locations; code requirements for heating band width and insulation band width.


Determining pre- and post-weld heat treatment requirements to codes and standards; determining heating and insulation band widths; determining heating configurations on nozzles; setting up equipment for weld heat treatments – thermocouples, heaters, insulation; operating heat treatment

Successful candidates will: Understand the necessity to perform pre- and post-weld heat treatments; be able to determine heat treatment cycles in accordance with various codes; be able to set up and operate heat treatment equipment.

Course Duration
10 days